Cell Phone Problems - What Can You Do?
you having cell phone problems? Are you frustrated with
trying to
get to a live customer care agent to resolve your issues with your
wireless carrier? This section is
dedicated to discussing some approaches to deal with your wireless
phone issues and/or wireless service complaints. You can also
link over to share your story with other visitors to the site.
Even if you don't get resolution, sometimes seeing that
are having issues, or just plain venting can help us feel better!
phones have become such a huge part of our everyday lives, and the
technology behind them is actually quite sophisticated. You
the expression "it's not rocket science"? Well, cell phone
technology is arguably pretty close to being rocket science!
Seriously, traveling 65mph on the highway, talking on the
or using mobile broadband to access the Internet, and seamlessly
handing off your call or data session from tower to tower without
a beat, is quite a feat of technology. And try packaging cell
phone features, radios, antennas, etc. into small, thin, sleek device
safe for consumers. Needless to say, cell phone technology
really is
big deal, and arguably goes largely unappreciated!
BUT, that doesn't mean that we're tolerant of
constant or nagging cell phone problems. If wireless
providers are going
sell phones, and we're going to pay them our hard-earned money to buy
service, we expect it to work well. While we've come to
that it
won't always be perfect, we do expect a reasonable to great experience.
see two general areas where issues tend to occur, and I've divided up
the discussion below accordingly.
Hardware Issues
Sometimes smartphones are simply defective. Sometimes it's a
with the specific phone we happen to buy, and sometimes it's a problem
across an entire model of phone due to a known flaw or manufacturer's
defect. Some common issues include:
- Buttons don't work properly when pressed (Less of an issue
with modern smartphones that have minimal buttons, but power, volume,
and center key buttons can still have issues.)
- The phone navigation freezes constantly
- Poor
reception/call quality
- Constant dropped calls
(when others using the same network aren't
having problems)
- Earphone jack doesn't function
- Bluetooth doesn't connect correctly, or frequently
- Touch screens are slow to respond or non-responsive
- Blotches
on the LCD
- ...The list could go on...!
of the cell phone problems you're experiencing, the approach to
resolving them is
generally similar. Note that it doesn't matter whether
have a prepaid wireless or postpaid wireless phone/account; this advice
applies to any situation:
- Google or Bing the issue you're having to
see if it's a common occurrence. I've solved many issues on
my own using this method, as a lot of issues are software related.
When it's hardware related, this research can help you
validate that fact.
- Call
your wireless carrier and report the issue as soon as it starts to
irritate you.
i.e. Don't wait months before reporting the issue, or you'll
that you'll get less sympathy, and also reduce the agent's ability to
help you. If it's a new phone, you're more likely to have a
case to make. After all, if you've had the
problem for a long time, and are still using your phone and getting by,
how bad could the issue really be?!

- When talking to
the wireless customers service representative about your cell phone
problems, try to get help resolving the issue. If it can't be
resolved over the phone, request a replacement device. Note
you should expect the same device; don't try to use an issue with your
phone to try to get an upgrade to a newer phone. You'll lose
lot of credibility trying to do that. If you have information
from your Internet search of a known or common problem, be sure to
that out.
- If you're out of warranty, try
requesting a courtesy credit towards the purchase of a new phone even
if you're outside of your upgrade eligibility. Many carriers
a loyalty program that will help people with broken phones buy a new
phone at a discount to avoid losing you as a customer (even if you're
in a contract!). I worked at a carrier whose policy was to
back up to 20% of the lifetime spend of a customer in order to keep
- If
you're out of warranty and your carrier won't help you, AND you
originally bought the phone with a credit card, try calling your credit
card company to see what their extended warranty terms are.
Credit card companies often offer good purchase protection
warranty extension programs that don't require any special opting in.
Then you won't need any cell phone repair tips; you'll just
get a new phone! That said, keep in mind that they'll give
back the money you originally spent on the phone (ex. $200), however,
if you need to replace that phone at full price, without the Subsidy,
it's going to cost you a lot more. In other words, the money
you get back
from your credit card company may not actually be enough to actually
buy a replacement phone.
none of these approaches work for you, try talking to a supervisor.
to be nice. You can be upset and frustrated, but don't get
Even if you're in the right, and they have access to special
policies that can help you, if you make it personal or come across as
rude, they're not going to help you. After all, they're only
human, and "the customer is always right" will only get you so far.
Appealing to their sense of what's right, and helping a good
customer who will refer their service to friends and family will get
you much further!
Service Issues
Troubleshooting service related issues gets much more
complicated! Here are some common wireless service complaints:
- You prepaid for service but your phone isn't working.
- You experience incorrect billing with overage charges
(applies to postpaid).
- Services you paid extra for (ex. hotspot) don't work at all
or don't work consistently.
- The phone doesn't get reception where
you live or work, even
though the coverage maps show your carrier has coverage there.
- The wireless provider charged your
credit card numerous times
without your permission.
Cell Phone Problems
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