Prepaid Wireless Providers
There are so many prepaid wireless providers out there now; it's truly
seems as though we're continually seeing consolidation of companies and
brands, followed by the emergence of new companies and brands!
Over the years we've also seen the death of countless prepaid
providers, including everything from small carriers with new brands, to
massive brands that you'd think would survive.
It's truly like the wild wild west out these in the no
wireless world. Some of
these brands
are divisions of the large postpaid carriers, while many of
them are standalone companies or
Trying to figure out which ones offer the different
plan types
that you're interested in can be a time consuming and
irritating process to say the least. The good news is that
all of this activity
means a lot of options for consumers, as well as an

competitive landscape. In other words, better, lower pricing
prepaid wireless customers!
Below is a table that
summarizes the different
major prepaid cell phone
companies broken down by
Plan Type.
Reviewing this table will be an excellent starting
point to help you narrow down
which carriers offer which types of services, as well as a good bird's
eye view of the providers. As new
programs are launched, and others are discontinued, I
continually update this
page, so please feel visit often. Think of
as the classic plan where you pay per minute (a now quite rare plan).
Daily plans
you to get a specific bundle of minutes and services on a daily basis
(another virtually extinct plan).
plans offer you a bundle of minutes, text messages, etc., and finally,
unlimited plans offer unlimited voice and text, and some allocation of
high speed data on
a monthly basis. Please keep in mind how much you actually
your phone on a daily basis so you don't end up over paying for a plan.
Even though a plan sounds like a better deal, depending on
whether or not you actually take advantage of the included services,
the better deal may look good, but ultimately not end up being the most
cost effective option depending on your particular needs.
note that there are government subsidized wireless programs that offer
free cell phone service for households that meet the low income
You'll see a link to more information, as well as the service
providers listed at the bottom of the table. If you think you
be eligible, it's definitely worth your time to review the
Wireless Providers
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