Cell Phone Providers - Find The Right Plan For You!
you looking for the best prepaid cell phone providers in the U.S. or
Canada? You'll find country specific links below to
wireless plans of the top providers! However, before you dig
plan details as you compare wireless phone services available to you,
here are some thoughts to keep in mind:
There's not such thing as
the the BEST prepaid phone provider!
people like to write articles stating that one or another cell phone
provider is "the best." But anyone who knows the ins and outs
the prepaid wireless industry will know that it's not fair to you to
make such bold statements. And chances are that those
are written just to get you to click over to the wireless provider site
to make a purchase so that they can make a commission on the sale.
That's not to say that the information in such
articles and
reviews aren't useful, because they often can be, however, try to read
between the lines and see through any bias, and know that there's never
one right or best answer.

you'll find that the
information contained throughout this site is here to save you time
comparing the various prepaid plan options available to you.
it's not going to do is tell you exactly what the best cell phone
providers or best plan is for YOU. Without a personal
interview, I could never blindly guide someone to
one right plan or provider. It's truly amazing how many
dozens of
hours it takes to compile, and keep up with, all of the prepaid
wireless plans out there. Some prepaid carrier websites are
amazingly easy to follow, while others can take a lot of digging before
being able to find even basic information. For example, I
almost 15 minutes just trying to find out the expiration dates of one
of the carrier's prepaid cards. That may not seem like a lot
time, but when you're searching out dozens and dozens of details across
numerous websites, 15 minutes is an eternity! Anyway, the
being that this site is meant to be an unbiased resource of information
that you can use, all in one place, to help you zone in on the best
wireless plans to meet your individual needs.
But there's always "the
believe that "the best" of something is all relative. A $50
unlimited prepaid plan may be the absolute best value out there for
someone who talks on the phone a lot, however, if you're only using
your phone 100 minutes a month, paying $50 is a horrible deal!
For that type of person, the best plan would probably be a
plan with any cell phone providers that offer extended
expiration dates on
their prepaid cards. Or perhaps a lower cost monthly plan
that includes lower voice and data allowances. In other
words, please don't feel as
there's one best answer for you, and anything else is simply a wrong
choice, or that you'd be getting ripped off. Just like most
purchases, what's "the best" is a very personal conclusion, and no one
writing an article can tell you otherwise!
There's gotta be a "best"
unlimited plan?!
get even easier to say that once you've determined that you're a heavy
wireless user, and that an unlimited plan is the right plan type, and
there must be a best

offer. At first glance, that would seem
make sense, but unfortunately (or fortunately!) life
isn't that
simple. There might be a plan that includes more features
a lower price, but that doesn't even mean that it's the best plan for
you! No, I'm not crazy...I promise! For example,
cheaper plan with more features may be on a network that doesn't have
coverage in your area. Or the seemingly cheaper provider is
actually more expensive when you start inclu
offer. At first glance, that would seem
make sense, but unfortunately (or fortunately!) life
isn't that
simple. There might be a plan that includes more features
a lower price, but that doesn't even mean that it's the best plan for
you! No, I'm not crazy...I promise! For example,
cheaper plan with more features may be on a network that doesn't have
coverage in your area. Or the seemingly cheaper provider is
actually more expensive when you start including the reload fees and
taxes that are added to the plan, versus the other plan that doesn't
have replenishment fees or telecom taxes added!
point of
all of this explanation is to reassure you that if you're confused over
all of the available cell phone providers and their plan offers, that's
OK, because it IS confusing! And unfortunately, no matter how
much Google research you do, there's never going to be a magic answer
to what's the best plan. There are so many other
that I haven't even discussed here. You can read the
Wireless Plans
section to give you more ideas about the types of things you'll want to
look for and consider while you do your homework. At the end
the day, my recommendation is to acknowledge that this really isn't an
easy process, there's no one best answer, and that fortunately there
are many great options out there. And best of all,
there's no contract, you can switch to something else fairly easily!
can also visit the
Wireless Questions
page to read other visitors' questions that could be helpful to you, or
ask a question of your own. Another helpful resource is to
Wireless Reviews page to see what others have said about
their first hand experience with different plans.
To start your research of
available prepaid cell phone providers, select the country of
Cell Phone Providers
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