Cell Phones For Seniors
I've read a lot of articles and blogs about cell phones for seniors (as
in senior citizens). There are some good ones, and some not
great ones. To make this article great, I want to setup the
premise of the discussion. First, just

because someone is classified as a senior citizen (usually 65+ years
old in most societies), does not mean that they are not technologically
inclined, nor does it mean they have poor vision or reduced tactile
In fact, at 90 years old, my grandmother was using email to communicate
with her boyfriends; one in Canada and one in the U.S., and that was
long before the smartphone revolution! In addition, my
parents, both senior citizens, both use the Samsung Galaxy Note
phablets, and
have perfect vision and tactile capabilities. The point being
that the content of this page is not meant to discriminate or
However, I do receive a LOT of inquiries from folks claiming to be
senior citizens that are looking for a phone with basic features as
they don't want to deal with application forced closes, unresponsive
touchscreen, or buttons that are difficult to read and/or
depress. The fact is that the older we get, the more likely
it is
that we will have these types of considerations. In addition,
people of any age can love or dislike modern gadgetry, or get
with products that don't work the way they're supposed, which is
certainly common place as can be seen by constant firmware and software
So, all that said, I created this page to help those interested in cell
phones with specific functionality to meet their specific
Some of these will be mainstream phones, and I will highlight some
features to look for, or applications that can help. Some
are actually targeted cell phones for seniors to meet the specific
needs of those of us who have distinct visual or tactile requirements
or preferences.
Of course, these needs can also be found among younger folks as well.
Ultimately, I expect this content to be helpful to a broad
of people!
Phone/Company |
Notes |
- Offer "Easy Phones" & "Smart Phones"
- HAC (hearing aid compatible)
- Assistance button
- FM radio
- Larger fonts on display
- Company is dedicated to developing products for
- Offer Jitterbug smartphone & Jitterbug flip
- Large fonts on display
- High quality speaker phone
- Very high capacity battery
- Included health & medical apps
- Urgent Response Agents, doctors & nurses are
one button away
- Offer classic candy bar style feature phones (with
large buttons) & smartphones
- Simplified feature set
- SOS emergency button
- FM radio
- Amplified sound
Android Smartphones
- Android smartphones with large screens can be very
easy to navigate
- Screen quality (not only size) greatly impacts the
ease of typing on virtual keyboards
- Bright, vibrant screens can make it easy to navigate
and view
- Use of applications like Big Launcher For Android can help
make navigation even easier on any Android smartphone
- Only needed features can be used; avoiding complexity
isn't very difficult
- Most newer Samsung phones have Easy Mode, which
simplifies the homescreen with minimal large buttons
- Samsung Galaxy Note series has a stylus, which some
find easier to use with the virtual keyboard, navigation &
taking notes
Apple iPhones
- High quality screen makes typing easier than a lot of
low end touchscreen phones
- Bright, vibrant screens can make it easy to navigate
and view
- Simplistic approach (minimal customization compared
to Android) helps to keep overall use simple & straightforward
Personal Experiences?
If you have had any personal experiences with cell phones for
seniors and would like to share with other visitors to this site,
please enter your story below. You're welcome to submit
anonymously, and following your submission, you can opt in to receive
notifications when other visitors comment on your submission; this is
an easy and great way to keep up on the dialog. Please note,
however, that to ensure that this site remains of the highest quality,
I manually approve each submission. Please include as much
detail as possible to be helpful to others; submissions that are only a
few lines long tend not to get approved. Think about what you
would have liked to have known prior to making your purchase decision,
or information that you've been studying and exploring during your
exploration process. Thank you in advance for sharing your
thoughts, feelings, and experiences!
Using A Cell Phone Catered To Seniors? Please Share!
Are you using one of the cell phones for seniors listed above? Please share your experience with other visitors to this page! Using another phone that caters to your needs? Please tell us about it!
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Cell Phones For Seniors
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