Compare PAYG (Per Minute) Plans

Are you looking to compare PAYG plans?  Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) plans have a lot to offer even in this modern era of prepaid wireless where there are all kinds of feature rich, and all-inclusive plans.  PAYG can still meet the wireless needs of many people.  Please use the comparison chart below to find the plan/provider that you feel may best meets your needs.

I continually monitor the news and provider websites to catch any changes to plans and pricing, and update this table within a matter of days.  Please note that I've chosen the prepaid carriers that I believe have the most well-rounded and competitive offers, however, not every single one of them are listed.  There are others out there that aren't included in this PAYG comparison chart, however I have chosen not to include them because I don't believe they offer the best value, or simply are not big enough, or have not been around long enough to recommend.  To learn more about this plan type, please visit the Pay As You Go page.

Share a review of your experience with Per Minute (PAYG) Plans with visitors to this page!

Provider AirVoice Wireless AT&T GoPhone Kajeet
Provider Page Plus Ready Mobile T-Mobile TracFone
Logo Airvoice Wireless Pay-As-You-Go AT&T GoPhone Pay-As-You-Go Kajeet Wireless Pay-As-You-Go Logo Page Plus Pay-As-You-Go Ready Wireless Pay-As-You-Go T-Mobile Pay-As-You-Go TracPhone Pay-As-You-Go
Refill Amount (expiry) $10 - 100 min (90 days)
$20* - 210 min (120 days)
$30* - 320 (150 days)

*Include bonus dollars
$15 (30 days)
$25 (90 days)
$50 (90 days)
$75 (90 days)
$100 (365 days)
Pay online via credit car as needed. Refill Amount (expiry) $10 - 100 min; 10¢/min (120 days)
$25 - 416 min; 6
¢/min (120 days)
$50 - 1,000 min; 5
¢/min (120 days)
$80 - 2,000 min; 4
¢/min (365 days)
$20 - 500 min/units (30 days)
(includes 1000 txt, 20MB)
$30 - 1000 min/units (30 days)
(includes 1200 txt, 30MB)
$10 - 30 min (30 days)
$20 - 60 min (90 days)
$30 - 120 min (90 days)
$40 - 200 min (90 days)
$80 - 450 min (90 days)
100 - 400 min (365 days)
$160 - 1000 min (365)
$200 - 1500 min (365)
Anytime Minutes See Refill Amount Above $0.25/min $0.10/min Anytime Minutes See Refill Amount Above $0.05 per min/unit 30 min (or 30 texts)
See Refill Amount Above
Texting (send/receive) $0.10/msg $0.20/msg

$4.99/200 msgs
$9.99/1000 msgs
$19.99/unltd msgs
$4.99/month - 200 msgs
$9.99/month - 1,000 msgs
$19.99/month - unltd msgs
Texting (send/receive) $0.08/msg

$10.95/month - 2,000 msgs
$19.95/month - 5,000 msgs
$0.05 per min/unit 30 texts (or 30 min) 0.3 - 0.5 units/min
International Texting n/a $0.25/msg sent
$0.15/msg received
$0.10/min International Texting $0.20/msg $0.05 per min/unit
Picture/Video Messaging $0.10/msg See texting packages $0.25/msg Picture/Video Messaging $0.25/msg + data transport n/a
1.0 units/min
Nationwide Roaming Included Included Included Nationwide Roaming $0.29/min n/a Included 1.0 units/min
Data $0.0666/MB Feature Phones - $0.01/5KB

Smartphones - Not Available
$0.04/MB Data $0.0012/KB or $1.20/MB n/a $5/day (500MB)
$10/week (1GB)
0.5 units/min
Network LTE (AT&T) LTE LTE (Sprint) Network LTE (Verizon) LTE (Sprint) LTE GSM or CDMA
Notes Daily access fee of $0.20 for first call or SMS of the day; charged only if used
$1.00/month charge for E911
Smartphones require text & data package add-ons $0.32/day access charge
WalletManager - Allows for parents to budget spending
ContactManager - Allows control over which numbers can be called or from which calls can be received
TimeManager - Can enable services during certain times of the day
Notes Monthly service fee of $0.50 is debited on 25th of every month Read Interview with Co-Founder & Executive Vice President Fred Haumesser!

1 Unit = 1 Text Msg = 1 International Min
$100 refills gets you 15% extra on all refills within 365 days  Learn about TracFone's Brands & Strategy!

Compare Pay-As-You-Go Plans

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