Free Minutes On Pay As You Go Kroger i-wireless Plan

by Ruth White
(Nashville, TN, Davidson)

I am completely confused regarding the Pay As You Go plan. I bought a Kroger LG phone and a $25.00 card. My wife and I both shop at Kroger and our shopper cards are linked together. Recently she spent over $200.00 on groceries and I expected to get 20 free minutes on my phone instead it shows up as $2.00, what's with the money, where are the minutes. I tried to figure it out on the website and it's impossible. Aren't the minutes supposed to be added to my current balance not money? What do I do with the money? I thought I was in the Pay As You Go phone? Please help me straighten this out. My account online doesn't say anything about what plan I'm in or how many minutes I've used. Very frustrating. Thanks.

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Sep 24, 2015
by: Anonymous

You get $2 added to your bonus rewards, which just accumulates until you get enough like $25, and use it to pay for your monthly plan. So in other words, YOU DON'T Have to pay for anything except your groceries. I have all in one and never pay. I have $100 on my account. This is a great company.

Nov 28, 2012
Response to Ruth
by: Kelly

Hi Ruth - PrepaidWirelessGuy's explanation of our FREE MINUTES program is absolutely accurate. The reward varies based on your rate plan.

If your purchase was recent, you are likely on an ALL-IN plan, which is the default rate plan. If you would like to check the status of your rate plan and your FREE MINUTES rewards, please email Customer Care at, or you can call them by dialing 611 from your i-wireless phone. A rep will be able to look into the account for you!

Nov 28, 2012
i-wireless Reward Dollars & Minutes
by: PrepaidWirelessGuy

Thank you for your question. I can understand your confusion/frustration. My first instinct was to think that the $2 that was added to your account equates to 20 minutes ($0.10/min). I worked at a prepaid carrier where we wanted to run a bonus campaign to provide customers with free minutes. However, the implementation of that was far too difficult as everything was based off of a dollar balance for purchasing minutes, texts, Web, etc. So, we added the equivalent of minutes in dollars. Customers could use the dollars for voice minutes or anything else they wanted to. We had to advertise it carefully to minimize confusion over what they were going to receive.

THAT SAID, when I reviewed the i-wireless earn free minutes page on their site (, I better understood why the confusion. The site essentially describes the following scenarios:

1. ALL-IN/Unlimited Plan - Get $1.00 for every $100 spent in-store.

2. Family Share Plan - Get $2.00 for every $100 spent in-store on qualifying purchases.

3. Pay-As-You-Go Plan - Get 20 free minutes for every $100 spent in-store.

Based on your $200+ spend and the $2 you received, I would conclude that you are subscribed to an ALL-IN or Unlimited plan. However, if you're subscribed to the Pay As You Go plan, you would receive 40 free minutes.

So, either there's some confusion over which plan you're on, or there's an issue with how the rewards are being applied to your account.

I've forwarded this discussion to i-wireless in hopes that they will respond. Note that they won't be able to help you without looking up your specific account information, which cannot/should not be shared on this site. So likely they'll ask you to email them your personal information to research. Hopefully thereafter either i-wireless or yourself will circle back here to let us know what happened, whether it was a misunderstanding, or a system issue that was fixed. Doing so would be helpful to others, so hopefully you will; thank you in advance!

Lastly, just curious...Did you call i-wireless to inquire about your issue?

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