by Stan
(Casselberry, Florida USA)
Saying you have the RIGHT to a free cell phone shows the ENTITLEMENT MENTALITY. Nothing is FREE, someone pays for it & usually those who WORK FOR A LIVING! And I say all that even though I have 1 of the "FREE CELL PHONES", as I am on disability and I HATE it!
I would much rather be a responsible American Adult who works to provide for myself & family. So you who say I worked & paid into it, still- ENTITLEMENT MENTALITY!! I am working on "re-inventing" myself to do another work/profession to get off GOVT. ASSISTANCE/WASTE. If you want something free go to another country and see how far that gets ya.
If you seriously cannot do ANYTHING to earn an income I have no problem helping people, but unfortunately it's these lazy, entitlement minded people who drive these "programs". My son signed people up for these phones for a short time till he couldn't consciously keep doing so for people who pulled up in a new, expensive cars, already had an iPhone or some smartphone, wearing designer clothes, etc. etc. And most were of a certain color. Get mad all you want, say racism, FACTS ARE FACTS!!