Frustrated Virgin Mobile Prepaid Wireless User

by Jim S.
(Cinti., Ohio USA)

While they lure you in with great offers on plans , they have no customer service worthy of the name. All is well until you have to try to get anything resolved with them....then, it's just a run-a-round, trying to get the (foreign)"cs reps", to understand your problem. I had a Kyocera Loft phone with Virgin Mobile for 6 months, until it just quit working! All I got from them was stalling and lies! Phone worked, but I could not use it. All I got was "your account could not be validated" when I tried to use it. I definitely would not recommend Virgin Mobile!

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Nov 16, 2011
improved cs at virgin mobile
by: Anonymous

actually, virgin mobile finally came thru and gave me a new phone,so i have to give them credit , after much frustration, they seem to be getting better,:). ( and , no i didnt drop the phone, ) :)

Nov 14, 2011
Was it Virgin's Problem or YOUR Problem?
by: PrepaidWirelessGuy

I can’t say that I’m a big fan of Virgin Mobile myself, and I’ve read a ton of negative things about the company all over the web, but I don’t think your phone not working is necessarily their fault. You didn’t really provide enough information to really understand what happened. Did you drop the phone and it stopped working, and now you’re upset with Virgin? Did you miss your bill and your account was suspended because it was past due?

The surprising thing is that customers service couldn’t help you if it was really something that basic. But on the other hand maybe it’s not really that surprising because their customer service is notoriously bad. I don’t know. Even though wireless companies are known for having issues, I think people need to keep in mind that no everything that goes wrong with your account is the wireless carrier’s fault. People are too quick to blame everyone else for their problems.

May 17, 2011
Poor Virgin Mobile USA Customer Service
by: PrepaidWirelessGuy

This is certainly not the first time I've heard of issues with Virgin Mobile's customer service. It's extremely frustrating to talk to someone who can't resolve issues in a timely manner, and is often difficult to understand due to a language barrier.

Prepaid wireless, as well as postpaid carriers have long since outsourced their call center operations overseas. This is a massive cost savings that allows them to be profitable. If wireless providers can't find ways to reduce costs, us customer ultimately end up suffering with higher costs of service.

However, without the proper quality standards and controls in place, wireless carriers run the expensive risk of losing customers this way. Not only is it frustrating to have a problem in the first place and have to call in, but when customer service is of poor quality, it can become infuriating.

Whether outsourcing call center operations offshore is the answer is perhaps a debate for another time; however, there are ways to ensure a higher quality of service with offshore providers. Wireless companies simply need to have the right management in place to appropriately handle these vendor relationships, including contract stipulations that give the carrier leverage to demand better training and performance.

Anyway, if you stay with Virgin, hopefully it will improve, and if not, hopefully your next wireless carrier will provide you with better service!

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