i-wireless Account Information
by Shaz
I am trying to get my account information from i-wireless. I have asked them to give me my total minutes from Kroger at the beginning of a month plus the balance in my account from paying $20 every three months and the remainder at the end of a month.
They claim they cannot give me any information in a print out beyond three months. On May 24th I had an account balance of $162.81 and as of July 9th a balance of $57.81. I use this phone only in emergency situations and that happened at the end of May through June.
My question, which they refuse to answer or support through any accounting that I can make sense of after scrolling back and forth through their online call details, is how many free minutes I've had, where they have been applied, and how can I use over $100 in minutes plus my Kroger minutes in six weeks. They claim they don't have those records. Anybody else have this problem?