Mobile Hotspot - MiFi Is The Best Of Both Worlds!
A mobile
hotspot is the common name
for a MiFi device. With a Mi-Fi hotspot you can connect any
Wi-Fi enabled device to a mobile broadband (i.e. cellular) modem,
instead of using a legacy PC Card or USB modem. If you
haven't yet
the previous page, follow the link to MiFi (at the bottom of the page)
to learn more about this technology and how it works. Or
reading below to learn more about this great technology!

best of both worlds!
my opinion, MiFi is the best of the Wi-Fi and mobile broadband worlds
You and a small handful of friends or colleagues can access
device using Wi-Fi, which is high speed, reliable, and secure.
You also don't have to worry about damaging a USB
modem sticking out of your laptop (even the
super small ones still stick out and are fairly fragile). On
top of that, you
the convenience of mobile broadband with broadband technology that you
take anywhere, and you don't have to worry about installing drivers
like you do with other broadband modems.
what's the downside of a MiFi modem?
now you might be thinking that a personal mobile hotspot is
really too good to be true!
There are some downsides to consider:
- The
MiFi device itself is usually more expensive than a standard
USB modem. That said, this has changed dramatically in recent
years, and is generally very competitively priced due to its popularity.
- The
device is a larger
than a normal mobile broadband modem. I think when you see
though, you'll be impressed with how compact it really is.
- You
have to manage yet another device with a battery. This is
probably the single annoyance that I find with it. The
lasts between upwards of 4-5 hours, which really isn't bad, however,
now not only
do you have to think about plugging in your laptop, smartphone, and
tablet, but you also have
to keep your mobile hotspot charged. It can be plugged into
however, many models lose their WiFi capability once plugged in via
USB. Some providers have removed this limitation, and the
settings can be "hacked" to address this problem on your own.
do I get it!
When I first
added this topic to the site, only Sprint and
Verizon offered MiFi service (and not prepaid). However,
within a
couple of years thereafter these devices literally exploded across
virtually every
carrier, including prepaid wireless providers. You can now
so many options listed on the
MiFi Plans
page that it will boggle your mind! I'm truly thrilled that
technology evolved into prepaid so quickly, providing customers with
many great options!
the future is already here! MiFi devices have become so
that you can now find them in many different flavors across virtually
every carrier. Even smaller
offer prepaid hotspots, though they are often older models, and some
don't offer backwards compatibility. In other words, they
4G, however, when you're out of coverage, they're not compatible with
older 3G networks, which results in critical access issues.
course, this limitation is eliminated as 4G becomes truly ubiquitous.
You can even find prepaid providers offering FREE plan, which
I've also included at the following link!
hotspots are a fantastic technology development that is basically
taking over USB modems. They're compact, convenient, and easy
use! In fact, I truly don't understand why anyone would buy a
modem. MiFi
allow you to connect multiple devices, and don't require the
installation of any drivers, which can often lead to setup nightmares.
Other than having to think about charging a hotspot, there
isn't any point to a USB only modem. I believe that the next
evolution would be a USB modem that is also a hotspot. This
be a different form factor, as it would not have a battery, but rather
would be powered from your USB port like today's USB modems.
suppose only time will tell. To learn about how to turn your
smartphone into a WiFi hotspot, visit the
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