Money Stolen from Bank Account in Arizona

by Lora
(Baltimore, Maryland)

I am unable to disclose the name of the bank for legal reasons, but when I was 18, I had opened up a bank account, placing $150 into the savings account. It was early 2004, a little into February when I noticed that $100 was withdrawn (this bank in the same year were also responsible for several thousand identity thefts due to a contractor company compromising information from people who held accounts with this bank). The location of the machine was located in Arizona. I live in Maryland and had never been to Arizona in my life, so I contacted the bank and they kept asking me if I went to Arizona.

They told me that they were unable to identify the person (via camera) as to who made the withdrawal. I couldn't believe this was happening and told them I wanted to close the account and go to another bank. They then explained to me that my personal information was compromised somehow and they were very sorry that this happened. They put $100 in my account. Even though they restored my $100, I closed the account anyway and have not had a bank account from there since.

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May 08, 2012
We Can't Trust Financial Institutions! NEW
by: Anonymous

The last year has been truly telling about how horrible banks can be. There’s so much corruption and disorganization within banks, it’s truly pathetic. I suppose the reality is that banks probably don’t care at all about people that have virtually no money in the bank. It’s all about big money and greed! In the past year there has been so many reports of credit card companies having security breaches where millions of people’s credit cards and personal information has been stolen. I know these aren’t banks, but they’re pretty similar types of companies. These days it’s hard to know who we can trust!

Jan 11, 2011
Bank Fraud
by: PrepaidWirelessGuy

That's unbelievable that they would not be able to identify the perpetrator via camera. I've been told by my bank that they can identify people from their video surveillance going quite far back. It's also odd that you wouldn't be able to disclose the bank name. It's not as though they gave you some large cash settlement. They provided you with the money back that was stolen from your account; they shouldn't be able to require that you don't tell anyone about what bank you had the problem with.

If they had a large security leak as you describe, I would also think that they would have been required to disclose this information to the proper governing bodies, and that information is typically disbursed to the public domain. Anyway, you're smart to never use them again!

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