Netbooks and Mobile Broadband!
What defines a netbook?
By the vary nature of
its name, these netbooks infer that they are connected to the Inter
Although any computer can be connected to the Internet with
proper equipment, the whole idea here is that it's a super mobile
computer that's either easily or always connected to the Internet.
That's why you'll see that they all come stardard
with WiFi,
that you can connect to hotspots. Even more interesting
is the emergence of wireless carriers offering them

bundled with mobile broadband access.
The perfect bundle -
Mobile broadband included!
do I mean by a bundle? This is when wireless carriers are
netbooks together (i.e. bundled with) mobile broadband access.
It's the perfect bundle because wireless providers are about
providing mobile access to wireless voice and data services.
already offer sophistocated smartphones, blackberries, and mobile
Internet via broadband cards, USB modems, and hotspots. The
beauty of
type of bundle is that it takes an already cheap mini laptop and makes
it even cheaper!
How do they do that?
Think about it
like a mobile handset. The benefit you get by signing a
with your wireless carrier is getting a discounted, or free, phone or
broadband card/modem. A netbook fits nicely into that model.
Rather than getting a wireless broadband card for your laptop
a discounted price, they embed (i.e. build in) the mobile broadband
modem into the computer, and if you sign a contract for a year or two
broadband plan, they'll sell you the computer for $99-$199 instead of
$399 list price (for example). That can be a pretty
offer for people who are prepared to lock into a contract.
section for a more detailed discussion about how and why it is that
wireless carriers will discount hardware to get you on a contract.
idea of getting a super mobile computer that can access the Internet
basically anytime, anywhere, and that you can use for your work,
homework, storing pictures, music, etc., seems pretty compelling when
priced right.
Especially considering that many of us have paid more than
for a phone that doesn't have nearly the same amount of features.
BUT...If you're on this site, you're probably thinking about
prepaid, right?! Could I possibly be promoting or encouraging
that you sign a contract to save some money on a relatively inexpensive
piece of hardware? And the answer to that is a
resounding...definitely not! I think the background here is
useful to
introduce you to this product category, and what the market is
doing and why. But I'm definitely going to discuss prepaid
netbooks (see link below)!
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