Are You PAYG Bound?
Are you a good fit for PAYG (Pay
As You Go)? So you've read about the different
types of prepaid wireless plans, and you're still not quite sure which
plan is
right for you. I think it's important for you not to feel
confused or stressed. Or at least not to worry if you do,
because it's perfectly natural. Prepaid wireless plans have
become so plentiful, and even complex, that employees working within
prepaid companies themselves have trouble

understanding them all.
Believe you me, I've worked in such companies and have
experienced this first hand! So please don't be concerned,
you're not alone!
So what types of things should you consider when thinking about whether
or not a PAYG plan is the right fit for you? Here are some
questions to ask yourself, and tips to keep in mind as you evaluate
your particular situation:
- If
you're only an occasional user, and even go days or weeks
without using your wireless phone, then a pay-as-you-go plan is most
your best choice.
- If you want the flexibility to add as
much or
as little money onto your prepaid account balance whenever you want,
when you have a few extra bucks, or you know you're going away for the
weekend and want some extra minutes on your phone, pay-as-you-go is
always one of your best options.
- Look for two things when comparing costs for PAYG
wireless providers:
- The price per minute (obviously the lower the better!)
- The expiration time per reload. For example,
does $20 last 60 days or 90 days before it expires? If
there's no
benefit (i.e. longer expiration date) for adding more money, you won't
want to add more money than you know you'll need for that period of
time. Keep in mind that if you don't use it (or topup prior
to your expiration date), you lose it!
- You'll
want to find the balance between the lowest price per minute and the
longest expiration date. If you plan to use your phone very
infrequently, you'll want the
longer expiration date over a lower price per minute. This is
even if you have a great price per minute, if your money expires
sooner, you'll end up having to add money more often to your account.
This will end up costing you more in the long run compared to
paying a
higher price per minute but having your account last longer before
having to add money.
Overall, if you're going to want to have conversations (even
just five minutes at a time) with a number of people on a daily basis,
then chances are a
As You Go plan may not be the most cost effective for
you. On the other hand, if you see yourself more as a truly
occasional user, a pay-as-you-go plan could be a real money saver!
This plan type is almost extinct! Most carriers
have eliminated it, as it's one of the least profitable plan types.
Some still make it available to feature phone users, however,
I don't know of ANY smartphone plans that support this plan type.
I personally use this plan type as an emergency phone for the
family/kids as we don't have a home phone. It cost me
$0.33/month to maintain!
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