Postpaid Wireless Demise - Prepaid Wireless To Dominate!

wireless demise is imminent! Ok, so you must be asking
yourself what do I
really mean when I make such a statement? A lot more is truly
by saying that than simply to get your attention.
reality is that prepaid no contract wireless has evolved to the point
where there
are very few reasons why one would believe that postpaid wireless
should continue to be the predominant plan choice in North America.
It used to be that prepaid wireless was mostly for the credit
challenged, an emergency phone, or limited-use customers, however,
that's by far no longer the case.
won't go into the benefits of prepaid wireless as that's covered
in the
Prepaid Wireless section.
I will, however, boil it down to the fact that there
is now
very little difference between prepaid (no contract) and postpaid
(contract) type plans. It can be said that for that one, two,
three year contract that you sign, what you get is a discount on the
upfront purchase of your phone, but typically end up paying
significantly more per
month than you would on the same prepaid plan. To learn more
about the topic of phone discounts, please head over to the
With the evolution of prepaid, you can now find the most
common and needed features on prepaid wireless, including such features
- Voicemail
- Call
- Conference calling
- Web/Data
- Navigation
- Text
- Multi-media messaging
- High end smartphones
- etc...
also get far greater flexibility in terms of how you pay, including
reality is that prepaid offers customers so much flexibility that
postpaid wireless demise seems inevitable, no? Well, maybe
will take some time, but all signs are indicating a massive decline
with increasing dependence on growing the prepaid customer base.
We've been seeing this decline happening, and it's nowhere
near done.
Signing up for a two year contract
getting a $500 phone for $50 or
even free certainly is compelling!
However, as features on handsets continue to get less and
expensive, much like the cost of computers became less
expensive over the years, carriers will be able to offer fully
featured high end
phones, including smartphones,
at very low prices. In the meantime, prepaid users can
opt to pay more for a handset without a contract, knowing that in the
long run they're actually saving money. Just how
people are willing to pay to avoid a contract is an interesting
Read what others had to say by visiting the
Comment section.
be told that prepaid wireless doesn't have the stigma in other
countries (ex. Europe) that it historically has had in North America.
it's a matter of the European environment where people move between
regions and counties so fluidly, or perhaps it's the slow evolution of
thought in North America, or a combination of both as well as other
factors. People in other counties are more comfortable paying
technology (they don't expect everything to be free!), and they truly
value the flexibility of not being bound to a contract. It
nothing to do with social status, credit, or anything other than to say
"why should I sign a contract and commit to making a minimum monthly
payment just to get a discount on a phone?!" So is there
postpaid wireless demise on its way to North America?
Absolutely! I don't think at this point in time
that anyone is willing to debate that this is true.
foresee a world
where wireless carriers keep customers by providing truly exceptional
products and customer service. Keeping customers more than
satisfied, but happy with the products and services they use because
fundamentally good products, and not because they're "stuck" in a
contract. Imagine that? Is that so unbelievable?
(Yes, I'm being sarcastic!) Provide me a good product and
service and I'll stay with your
company; if not, I'm gone. But don't expect to keep me by
having me
sign a ridiculous legal document.
With the coming of smartphones on prepaid, and customers' frustration
with unscrupulous contracts, I truly do see a time when postpaid
represents the minority of customers. Even if it's never
truly a full death, postpaid
in North America is on a massive decline trajectory; there's no doubt
about that!
Postpaid Wireless Demise
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