Can Tablet Computers Take Over?!
the tablet computer replace laptops, chromebooks, and even phablets?
The explosion of the tablet market since 2010 has seen Apple
tens of millions of iPads, and Samsung sell even more! Even
lower end and knockoff brands have seen success in this odd market.

people who already own a smartphone and a laptop, buying a tablet may
seem like an unnecessary and expensive endeavor, since you already have
devices capable of delivering seemingly similar features.
However, this
fact has not stopped many people from adding a tablet to their
collection of
gadgets, but should you?
On their own, it is not reasonable
to suggest that a tablet can completely replace either a smartphone or
a laptop. While you can get tablets highspeed
broadband connectivity, and even the ability to make voice
calls, the
typical seven to 10 inch screen size means they cannot be pocketed on
the way out of the house like a mobile phone cam. Meanwhile
are actually more expensive than equivalently powerful laptops and lack
the complexity of functionality and backwards compatibility with
software and peripherals, which is possible using a Windows or Apple
Some manufacturers have attempted to address the
first issue by bridging the gap between smartphones and the tablet
computer. The Samsung Galaxy Note series is a good example of
hybridization. With a 5.7 inch vibrant display and a stylus,
certainly gives the impression of being a larger tablet-style device
while still being just about small enough to take with you without a
separate bag or carry case.
From a commercial perspective,
the Samsung Galaxy Note series has been a tremendous success, and is
still considered the industries flagship model. However, its
display is still smaller than that of a full tablet,
makes all the difference when it comes to watching video, viewing web
pages and using apps. Thus, this cross-over device
seems to have carved out its own niche market.
To account for the
disparity in functionality between a tablet computer and laptops,
some manufacturers have introduced advanced docking stations to further
the lines between the two form factors. The Microsoft Surface
series with its detachable keyboard dock allowing users to be
content creators, and not just content consumers.
You will still be
paying more for the privilege of owning one of these tablets than you
might for a competitive laptop with the same hardware.
the flexibility of the software remains relatively limited, even in an
open source environment as offered on any Android tablet. Of
course, where tablets really come into their own is when used for
consuming media, because you can lounge on a sofa or sit on a train,
and enjoy the Internet and media playback more comfortably than when
using a laptop, and on a larger display than is available on most
smartphones or phablets. The tablet computer is great if it
fits in with
your lifestyle and your budget, however, they will certainly not
smartphones or laptops from the market any time soon!
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