Share Your Tablet Notebook Review!
Are you as excited about tablet computers as has been the rest of the
world for that past number of years?! Are you
looking to read or write a tablet notebook review? I don't
about you, but I personally find reviews to be really insightful, and
virtually always thought provoking when well written.
Touchscreen tablet PCs have been around in concept for years,
but only after the launch of the Apple
iPad in 2010 did the tablet industry really start to exist

a meaningful way. There has been a tremendous amount of
discussion about tablet computers. Many think that they will
result in the demise of the laptop. While laptop sales have
certainly been declining, I personally don't see tablets replacing
them. Even with a good keyboard attachment, they're simply
not the same animal. That's largely why we've seen 2-in-2
devices, and ultrabook design improving. We've also see
Chromebooks increase in popularity as a type of
We're going to continue to see the tablet computer evolve, with
a lot of different options in terms of form factor (i.e. size and
shape), power, features, and operating systems. Even phablets
have been sqeezing in between small smartphones and small tablets.
This market is definitely getting confusing and
creative. It really is an
interesting industry to follow!
Many review sites like Amazon include paid reviews, or companies
posting their own reviews. Rest assured that this site is
completely unbiased, and please share your touch screen tablet reviews
While you can of course write about anything you want, here are some
ideas to get your creative juices flowing:
- Do you think tablet computers will affect the
of laptops or even desktops in the the long term?
- Do you have a preference for what operating system tablets
use? (ex. iOS, Android, Windows)
- What do you think about using a virtual keyboard?
Is it easy
to use? Do you prefer a physical keyboard attachment?
- Do you see tablets as a replacement for your current
computer, or a supplement?
- Do you see them as productivity tools, or primarily for
content consuption (ex. Facebook, reading email, browsing the Internet)?
- What kind of features would you want to see that would make
you want to spend money on a tablet computer?
Share Your Tablet Notebook Review!
Do you have thoughts, experience, or general opinions about tablet PC computers? Please share your thoughts with other visitors to this site!
Read Other Tablet Notebook Reviews
Click on the links below to see what others have said about tablet PC computers!
Tablet Computer Death
Yes, I believe tablet computer death is being foreshadowed in the not-to-distant future! How can I make such a statement when iPads are selling across …
$99 HP TouchPad
Wow, an $99 HP TouchPad with a 1.2GHz dual core processor, 1Ghz of RAM, and 16GB of storage, as well as a bright 9.7” display that also supports Flash. …
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