Ting Mobile
Pay Only For What You Use!
Why does Ting Mobile get a special dedicated page?! That's
probably one of your first questions, as this carrier is not even
listed on the
main comparison page. I've received a number of emails from
visitors to the site

have raved about this little known prepaid
wireless provider. In and of itself, that doesn't warrant
creating a whole new page dedicated to one carrier, as I receive a lot
of emails regarding various different carriers. However,
after reviewing their site in detail on numerous occasions, and seeing
them evolve over time, I have to say that they really are impressive,
and certainly noteworthy.
Their Refreshing Core Concept!
The first, and most important element that stands out is their approach
to plan pricing. One of the key benefits of prepaid plans,
beyond not having to lock into a contract, has been that you can easily
and painlessly change plans to meet your needs. That said,
carriers have always counted on customers paying for plans for which
they never truly use; we never talk as much, text as much, or use as
much data as we expect, thus paying more than we need to. We
also usually delay changing plans, for it takes time to figure out what
our average usage is, and we have a general fear of running out of data
or access to other key services.
With Ting, you literally pay AFTER the month ends only for the services
you ACTUALLY used. They have a $6 charge per device per
month, but voice minutes, text messages, and data are all charged based
on your actual usage. There are buckets for each level,
providing very reasonable tiers.
Hopefully Ting can remain profitable with this model, as a lot of
carriers forecast for plans to go partially used, resulting in higher
revenue, and lower cost to serve.
General Core Principals
Unlike most of the large carriers, and even smaller MVNOs, Ting Mobile
really seems to delivery on its core principals, which are: Fairness,
Clarity, and Realness. As you can see from all of the
available plans, and the various nuances within carriers and even
within each plan, prepaid has become so complex and
confusing. Ting, appears to genuinely believe in keeping
things honest and real, and making things super easy to
understand. This is truly refreshing. From the
feedback I've received from customers who have emailed me, it appears
that they are truly executing on these principals, which is very
refreshing. Hopefully their integrity can coincide with
profitability in the super competitive, low margin business of prepaid
Dual Networks
Ting started off with CDMA only on the Sprint network. This limited
phone selection and customer network preferences. Currently
they also support GSM (with T-Mobile), thus customers can basically
bring any unlocked phone with them, and get Ting service.
Family members can even have different phone types (CDMA vs. GSM) on
the same account, which is super convenient.
Ultimately most of the world will be transitioning to LTE technology,
and they do support LTE on the T-Mobile network. I expect
that they will also transition to LTE with Sprint as well.
Other Things to Note:
- Ting doesn't charge for voice roaming, which is refreshing.
- Ting does NOT currently have data roaming, so if you're off
network, you won't get data access. Thus, make sure to check
their data network coverage to ensure that it will meet your needs.
- International roaming is supported only on CDMA at this
- In addition to BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), Ting also
sells phones directly on its website.
- Ting also offers Gigabit home Internet, which can be up to
10x faster than some of the most common Internet providers currently
available. Their Internet service isn't cheap though at
$89/month + $399 installation. Perhaps this newer business
will help to subsidize their wireless business so that they can remain
Overall Conclusion
I honestly believe that Ting operates under a different DNA where they
truly do believe in a different, more honest and transparent way of
doing business. They refer to themselves as a "home to a
smarter, fairer approach to cell phone service." They also
claim that the average monthly Ting cell phone bill is $23 per
phone. Overall, I appreciate their approach, and look forward
to hearing from their customers regarding their real world experiences!
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